Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 1:

Here is my first blog for my MGMT 3500 class at USU. To be honest this is my first blog ever. I am creating this blog for this class to relate what I have learned in this course week by week. I will start with the fact that my professor, Dan Allen, pushes for more involvement from students, rather than him just lecturing all the time. I like this, as I also believe it will make for a better learning experience for me. I do not know much about marketing, but I know social communication tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin play a huge role and I am excited to learn how to use these in the marketing industry. I did learn from chapter one that a large part of a business is how it deals with its clients and the differences in strategy. An example would be a sales oriented company would focus on what it takes to get the most sales of a product. A product based company would focus on what products fit the needs of clients to then sale the very best.